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Worms -DIY Physics Engine

Independent Arcade Title - w/ Own Physics Engine

Game title created as rework of popular Worms independent title. Objective of project was to implement personal physics system using physics equations learned in Physics Kinematics course. Physics Engine is entirely hand coded with no outside source code. Game complete with turn-based combat, toggle-able angles, and UI elements


Project Duration

36 hours 

Project Softwares


Work Abstract 

Worms is a game title created to mirror the hit title Worms, a platform based shooter. Game was created using C++ SDL programming, however the entire physics system of the game (collisions, projectiles, etc) was coded by hand through kinematics equations learned. The game was created as a way to both create a fun, intuitive, and clean game, while also practically applying kinematics principles that we learned in our Physics II course at CITM UPC. The game was created by a 4 man team, who split work in UI, Programming, & Testing. 

Experience Gained

Self-Made Physics Engine


The project required the creation of a Self-Made Physics Engine, which was coded using Physics theorem that was learned in the classroom. Gravity, Projectiles, Motion, & more principles were all translated from the real world to the games environment. Check the Physics Module on the Github to see!

Discover the Project!

Project is publicly available on github for download. If you simply just wish to download the game and test it out, thats also an option!

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