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The Toy Box

RPG Independent Title

The Toy Box is a role playing game in which a group of friends get transported into a toy world. In Toy Box, players will travel through the four zones of the world, each of these zones with a different theme. While exploring the world, players will find many different characters, some friendly and some not, while trying to get all of their group back together and get back to the real world.


Project Duration

40 hours 

Project Softwares

box2d (1).png
46a76c802176eb17b04e12108de7e7e0f3736dc6-1024x1024 (1).png

Work Abstract 

The Toy Box is an RPG title created using Box2D physics engine in corporation with C++ SDL coding framework.  I was the head of UI development for the title, with work completed on the title screens, menus & more. It was coded from the ground up by a team of 8 people over a span of 160 collective hours of work. Game is complete with NPC behavior patterns, written dialogue, combat, storylines, and clean menu system. The game was created as a way to both create a fun, intuitive, and clean game, while also practically applying coding principles that we learned in our Project II course at CITM UPC. 

Experience Gained

UX Animating 


Piskel Animating


The project was created where players would be entering their inventory, settings, options & more through a book style UI element. This required animating with splines for a clean, page-turning like feel.

Piskel was used to animate the title menu. In the menu the screen flashes with the flashlight flickering. This was created over 30 frames of animation using piskel software. 

Discover the Project!

Project is publicly available on github for download. If you simply just wish to download the game and test it out, thats also an option!

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