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Knights Vow

Platformer Independent Title

2D Platformer title, where you play as a Knight seeking to find and collect chests throughout the map. Enjoy exploring and jumping along the 8-bit platforms as you traverse the landscape. Fully functional with pathfinding, save states, collisions, and more. 


Rylan James Graham - Developer

Xavier Pablo Alcañiz Carrillo - Developer

Project Duration

Project Softwares

box2d (1).png

Work Abstract 

Knights Vow is a platform title created using Box2D physics engine in corporation with C++ SDL coding framework. It was coded from the ground up by a team of two people over a span of 80 hours of work. Game is complete with pathfinding, UI elements, game load & save, as well as NPC behavior patterns. The game was created as a way to both create a fun, intuitive, and clean game, while also practically applying coding principles that we learned in our Game Development course at CITM UPC. 

Experience Gained

Pathfinding Algorithms 


Box 2D Physics


The project was created where enemies would navigate over a tile system in the closest possible route to the player. This meant incorporating the best fitting algorithm for movement. For this project the Dijkstra algorithm was utilized. 

Usage of Box2D collision system in-game. Had to learn to apply colliders, manage colliders, and make sure physics system was solid. Additionally, incorporated logic system for debug, which enabled visual colliders. 

Discover the Project!

Project is publicly available on github for download. If you simply just wish to download the game and test it out, thats also an option!

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